UAV/Drone Surveys and Mapping

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/Drone Surveys

Over the past few years UAV/Drone technology has become more accessible and cost effective and can be used for a number of applications within arboriculture, ecology and other environmental sectors. Silva Arboriculture holds the necessary Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) permissions and insurance to undertake aerial work using UAV/Drones.

We offer a range of services aimed specifically at Arboricultural, Ecological and other Environmental Professionals. These include:


·The assessment of large tree populations to help identify defective or declining trees 

· Pinpoint and monitor pest and disease outbreaks within a tree stock

· Rule out potential bat roost features on both buildings and trees

· Identify and map invasive species such as Japanese knotweed

· Create geo-referenced aerial maps of a site that can be used in GIS

· Mapping of habitat types

· Reduce the need to enter unsafe or restricted areas such contaminated land